Tripura and prospects of development
By: Alpana Verma, Dr. Chintu Deb Barma and Dr. A.D. Upadhyay , Category: General, Posted on:2010-04-20 10:37:37

An all round development is the demand of present century, but if it is confined to certain areas, hurts the sentiments of those who live with a ray of hope. India, a land of interwoven culture, well known on worlds platform for its heritage, myriad of traditions which differ at the distance of certain kilometers. This is a holy ocean which is harboring millions of diversity and still stands with a flag of moral power.

Tripura, a beautiful green hilly state, surrounded by natural beauty, eye witness of birth of Bangladesh, turns dubious when debate for the development takes place.

Tripuras climate offers wide range of opportunities for the cultivation of various food crops, fruits, vegetables and flowers and plantation crops. The paddy is the most prevalent and only crop here. Here entire culture is reared by rice dishes. But red clayey soil, which is acidic in nature permits cultivation of many crops. Soil has the major possibility of growing almost all food crops except wheat.

In Tripura rice and fish are stable food items and per capita demand for fish in the state is relatively higher than the other states. On the other hand domestic production of fish is quite low mainly due to low productivity. With this level production only 50-60 percent of total fish demand of the state can be met. In recent past the effort for increasing fish production made by state department of fisheries is commendable. However the coordinated efforts of the research institution, financial institution, state department and other developmental agencies are required to achieve already set goal i.e. making Tripura self sufficient in fish by 2012.

Apart from production of fish, there is ample of scope of fish processing. Fish being traditional food of all North East people, they have many indigenous processing techniques and processed product. The peoples of this region are well acquainted with consumption of processed products like canned fish, berma (sheedal/fermented fish), smoked/dried fish and salted fish etc. However these products are required to be scientifically standardized. For the commercial venture of processed fish products, private agencies are to be promoted for the investment.

North East is one of the biggest biodiversity centers in the World; in case of fisheries too this region is blessed with wide range of fish species. This region is very rich in fish biodiversity. However due to over fishing, changes in climatic conditions, pollutions and many other reasons, a good number of fish species from the region are in the stage of extinction or reported as endangered by the National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources (NBFGR). Hence the conservation of fishes is a big challenge for all the concerned individuals as well as organizations.

It is worth mentioning here that a well established international trade of ornamental fishes from the North East region are already exists. Ornamental fishes of this region are well renowned in international market and they are in big demand. Ornamental fish exports from the region are mostly dependent on wild caught fishes and the main collection from the natural water bodies. The global ornamental fish trade is estimated at $4 billion and Indian export was Rs. 5.6 crores in 2006-07. The major exporters include China, Singapore and Malaysia, and US, Europe and Japan are the leading buyers. This is a fast growing sector. In the region ample of potentialities are there for the trade of ornamental fishes. The MPEDA is planning to setup one Aqua technology park in Kerala to promote ornamental fish breeding and marketing in the international market. Such initiative is also required in this region. Development of captive breeding technology for prioritized indigenous varieties of ornamental fish, developing strategies to network ornamental fish breeders in the region, standardizing methods for diagnosing viral diseases in ornamental fishes are some of the measures to be envisaged in order to extend ornamental fish breeding and exports.

On the second hand, paddy cultivation is registering new heights in Tripura as state is leading in SRI technique which has increased yield manifolds. State can be said self sufficient is rice production. It is the result of hardcore effort of the state department of agriculture, which is commendable.

Total economic value of present animal wealth of the state is around Rs. 93961.14, moreover more than 85 lakh broilers are reared in the state. In order to enhance milk production state has taken initiative to expand artificial insemination programme couple with mini dairy scheme under venture capital fund to the remote areas. A Project on rearing of crossbred female calf on higher plain of nutrition is going on since 2007. In fact state is targeting to have the availability of 92 Gms milk per capita in current perspective plan.

Apart from it, around 95% of the population of Tripura is non-vegetarian. Hence besides agriculture meat is another priority sector. Black Bengal goat meat is considered as the best meat and Tripura is one of the home lands of Black Bengal with a good breeding record. This meat sector has an ample scope and potential for development. In this regard an initiative has been taken to preserve genetic pool of the Black Bengal goat at Debipur Tripura itself.

Although among such potential of opportunities, proper multidirectional approach is an ardent need. Many research centers can be opened in collaboration of ICAR keeping its fauna and flora in view, as it offers an ample scope for research on meat processing, piggery, poultry, Vigoba Super M (meat breed of duck), Soviet chinchilla (rabbit), Boer goat, Japanese quail.

The major fruits grown in the state are pineapple, jackfruits, sapota, litchi, papaya, and mango. There is lot of scope of processing of pineapple, jackfruits and litchi. We the people have eaten the mujjafarpuri litchi, dehradooni litchi, without taking into account the taste of such sweet small litchis grown here because they are not connected with mainland thoroughly. Only chicken-neck cannot play important role in market formation. It is not only Tripura but entire north east which consist of seven sisters plus one.

Moreover, this area is hub of naturally grown medicinal plants such as Kalmegh, Parchuli, Mint, Satmuli, Asparagus, Brahmi, Aloe Vera, Indian pennyort, Adhusa, Aswagandha, Kalatulsi and Sacred basil etc. Because of such natural grace here local people are using their indigenous technical know how to cure their diseases. In the state climate is also well suited for many spices and condiments such as Ginger, Turmeric, Black pepper, Big Cardamom, Cinnamon, and Asafetida. Already spices board are working and exploring all the opportunities.

Regarding floriculture it is the centre of growth of Cynbodium orchids, Anthurium, Heliconia, Gladiolus, Bird of Paradise, Tea brose. Here climatic conditions is permitting all productions, but still unexploited. At present globalization ensures a well advanced floriculture but that is needed in this remote area. Localization has to play an instrumental role.

All types of vegetables are grown here right from pumpkin, bitter gourd, point gourd, cabbage, cauliflower, potato and all types of leafy vegetables.

Good about Tripura is that it is located on strategically strong position. On three fronts it is surrounded by Bangladesh. On one front it is connected with Assam and Mizoram which are linked with Myanmar. Such strategic location can be exploited well if proper planning is taking place. This planning does not mean raking in votes but planning on the perspective of development. Tripura especially Agartala can be an epicentre of each corner if trade among BIMSTEC (Bay of Bengal initiative for multi-sectoral trade and economic cooperation) is taken into account. Regarding multi-trade development, north east is the nerve which is linking all member states with India. In such case Tripuras strategic location can also be exploited through bilateral trade, whether it is with Bangladesh, China, Myanmar or Bhutan. It all is up to our policies which should be based on ground realities.

A series of tribes are found here such as Chakma, Mag, Munda, Garo, Lushai, Tripuri, Reang, Noatia, Jamatia, and Uchai. Our mainland people are not aware of them that how real and innocent they are. But they are few and need protection or effective implementation of tribal rights in this state.

Real development starts with education and such are coming up. Already CAUs campus college of fisheries, College of agriculture, College of Veterinary Science have been established. ICFAI has opened its campus in kamalghat. The Medical College and number IT centres and management colleges are opening in the state. Professionals of these educational institutions will open new vista of development in the state.

The lack of good infrastructure is visible in whole North East in wide manner. The basic infrastructures such as road and railway lines which required for the development of any place are lacking in the region. China too suffers from wide atrocities. In spite it showed the calibre of constructing the metallic road on Mount Everest, then why development of basic infrastructure so slow in North Eastern States. Tripura is a state which represents India in many ways, hence priority is the need. Here good infrastructure needs the back up of major industrial houses. Venture capital fund can be used for such development.

SMALL IS BEAUTIFUL, so as the Tripura always whether the government or art. The R.D. BURMAN was the shining star from here. His songs still imparts echo to our ears, gives a relief to mind. Every person or area is known by its art. This is our Tripura which has a unique blend of opportunities, beauty, brain and greenery, such blend is seldom found, hence must be secured. This is historical, still it shows the stills of muktivahini, people remember all incidents and living with a ray of hope that this state will once become at par with Bangalore, Delhi, Hyderabad, Mumbai, prove its mettle on worlds map. This hope can be converted into reality if all things are instrumental.

One should dream of course but dreams should not let him/ her sleep to become reality. Thats the ray of hope for Tripura. There are something which are ardently needed,

1. Effective planning and coordinated efforts for the development of agriculture and allied sectors
2. Knowledgeable scientific community is the real need. Research based community can create opportunities here. Scientific research experiments are already working but that needs a boost up.
3. Many agricultural technologies developed in other parts of the country can be tested here and popularise for the benefits of the farmers of this region.
4. A bottom up approach is needed in policy formulation. Because this is the peculiarity of north eastern states that here voting is around 92%. Hence people consciousness is here which can be instrumental.
5. Effective implementation of all national level schemes. Whether it is PMGSY, PMGRY, SARVA SHIKSHA ABHIYAN, and many others.
6. More regional offices of planning commission, commerce ministry in north eastern states. Only one cannot work.
7. Market formation should take place as it has ample of opportunities of becoming a renowned market. Step by step measures should be taken. First it should be made national market then gradually it must become international market. For it there is a need of creation of supply chain management i.e. removal of middle man. Moreover creation of agri-export zones can take place here. Such zone will give a boost up to our agriculture economy, which has to register a 4% growth per annum.
8. Linkage with main land is needed. Now we have Maitri express which we can use in effective manner. Link with Myanmar through Moreh-Bagan-Masut road is in its inception phase, which can be instrumental.
9. Policies are needed in the area of industries which can seize the investment from big industrial houses.

Miscreants are always here, it shows that we are developing. This sweet state is real picture of a culture, tradition and heritage. Forget federation, forget centre state relation, and take one focal theme of development to realise VISION INDIA 2020, which is dedicated to those people who are dreaming to live in developed nation. This state requires special attention of union government so that it can be the engine of economic growth of our country, and it has the potential.

About authors:
Alpana Verma was working as an Assistant Professor in College of Agriculture Tripura, Lembucherra Agartala
Dr Chintu Deb Barma is working as an Assistant Professor in College of Agriculture Tripura, Lembucherra Agartala.
Dr Anil Datt Upadhyay is working as an in Assistant Professor in College of Fisheries Lembucherra (CAU)

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