Neglected & Untouched Malda Kumar Para By: A Debbarma, Category: General, Posted on:2010-08-19 00:45:13
Malda Kumar Para is situated at a distance 35 Km away from Ambasa, Dhalai district of Tripura bordering the India-Bangladesh which is 90 KM away from the capital city Agartala. The village falls under Chakmapara Gowsabha and under Ganganagar PHC, Ambasa. More than 600 children from more than 200 families live in this remote pollution free village as no vehicles could reach the village as the transportation system is yet to be established here. People walk a distance of more 35Kms to buy their essential commodities to Ganganagar and Amabasa.
The nearest Health Centre is located at 35 KM away at Ganganagar PHC . The place is malaria prone area, children are malnourished and still today racket patients are visible. 'We have to prescribe medicine of 2yrs child to 6yrs child as they are beyond their normal weight', says one government official working in the health department in the region. Government has arranged an ineffective Health camp where the doctors are taken by the Helicopter for the purpose occasionally.
Still unaware of the concept of 'statehood' and 'nationhood' and 'boundary', people live on jhum cultivation and move across the boundary for the jhum cultivation which now fall under Bangladesh as most of their lands are across the border. With the border fencing in progress their livelihood is threaten in the long run and with no voice, their cry for help goes unheard among the noisy corrupted, vote hungry political leaders.
Government facilities and schemes hardly reach the place. Recently the government distributed Water Filter for drinking pure water but the Filter never reach their home. 'aswk filter hilik, lama kolok ma himwi nok o talangmaya (we can't carry home the filter is it is very heavy)' says helpless Suranjoy Tripura and when ask about the Filter, says that they sell it to the shopkeeper for little money. Thus the Government washed of their hand as they have official record of Filter distributuon, sanitary plate distribution, health camp etc which never reach to the people.
With only one primary school run by a single teacher the school just satisfies the government report of school at every corner of Tripura. Without electricity and pure drinking water, government symbol could be hardly seen in the area. The people in the area are precious only during the election as politician would visit them only then and rest of the time live in their home away from the area, the people have just become an 'election material'.
People live with misery, poverty, diarrhoea, meningitis, malaria, dysentery and on jhum cultivation.
In-spite of all the hardship people return to their hut in the evening from their tiring jhum work and sing jadukolija with a sip of 'gora bwtwk' before saying goodnight silently under the star waiting for the sun to rise to go to jhum the next day.
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