A time to realize By: Joseph Debbarma, Category: General, Posted on:2012-08-12 13:22:56
It has been 21stcentury and the world is progressing but the Borok community of Twipra is going down and down in terms of development comparing to the other community or other Borok tribe looking over the whole world. so, dont you think we should realize and think? Yes it is indeed a time for realization their friends or the Boroks as today we cant speak and do whatever we want in our own land.
Looking on the political scenario we have 20 MLAs as well as 28 MDCs, but I just wonder why are they are not aware of it . We are dividing ourselves today by making many forum i.e student body, officers, doctor, Law & Engineering forum etc. as comparing to theBangali.
No doubt today we have many doctors, officers, engineers, lawyers but we have only few among them who really dedicate for the developmental process of Borok cultures, tradition and languages in the state levels or national level. They are not worried of the future though we are being marginalized and suppressed in our own land since many years. They think they are the busiest and no other citizens are doing anything though many people have given their lives for our land and many of them are presently working hard day & night for bringing up or awakening the Borok people of Tripura.
Today we have many educated people but all follow their hearts and mind and parental advice only which make them stay away from all activities. But its time to think my brother and sister are you doing anything for show off? Think positively we have many things to do for our society developmental process and survival till the end of our life.
Today we think people having good house, cars, money wealth etc. in Agartala are Big Shoots. But one day if we dont unite we have to go back to our village or birth place as we are getting lesser and lesser as per 2011 census. So friends let us change our mind and make Twipra a better place coz the beauty of our land is losing day by day with changes from time to time.
Lastly I would like to quote from a Bible sayings Every things that happens in this world happens at the time God chooses, the time for birth and time for death, the time planting and time for pulling up, the time for killing and time for healing, the time tearing down and time for building, the time for sorrow and the time for joy, the time for mourning and time for dancing, the time for making love and the time for not making love, the time for kissing and time for not kissing, the time for losing and time for finding, the time for saving and the time for throwing away, the time for silence and the time for talk, the time for love and the time for hate, the for war and time for peace.
May peace be with you all readers long live Borok Dopha.
(The writer is the Co-ordinator of Borosa Foundation for Peace Democracy and Human Rights, New Delhi)
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