By: Reuben Ranglong, Category: General, Posted on:2013-04-16 12:01:55

Sometimes I find that the political awareness among the Tiprasa are so high but without knowing the real meaning of politics. As of my little knowledge is concerned what I understand about the politics is all about the nation and the land. The art or science of government or governing, especially the governing of a political entity, such as a nation, and the administration and control of its internal and external affairs. The party game or party politics come later. The party/ parties are just a route to reach the ultimate goal.
As the assembly election wave is so strong these days, I observed so many Tiprasa from interior rural areas come and join the political rallies, shouting under the hot sun and hit the streets. I dont think these rural women know what is politic. We all are just dancing by the beats of others; we dont have ideology by our own. Ang San Sukyi, the democratic fighter of Myanmar, who is also called the Asian Mandela said Do not be a politician or join politics unless you have specific goal for the people or nation Its true, for example, Abraham Lincoln joint politics to liberate the slaves and he did it and Nelson Mandela joint politics to remove apartheid and he also did it.
Forget it about the rural women for the time being, let us talk about those political leaders; do our tribal politicians have specific goals for bukungbara? I dont find any of such. If it is so then I would say that they are playing the party politics just to earn their livelihood as other professions. Politics is not a means of earning or a source of income but it is a divine service for the people which involve self sacrifice.
I am convinced with the speech of our Maharaja Pradyot Kishore Debbarma last year (2012) at Stable ground, Agartala during protest rally of the murdered of two Tribal youths at Jirania. At that time he was holding a high post in Pradesh Congress and he was not allowed by the Congress high command to join the rally. Denying the command he joint the rally and said in public meeting I have to be there where my people are..... the congress high command does not have right to stop me to be with my people According to me, HIS Highness has done what he is supposed to do. Despite of his position and dignity in congress he gives preference to the grievance of his people.
I want to refer another incident where a high profile politician did the same. Just 8 months before the end of UPA-I in 2009 at central there was a vote of confidence in parliament on nuclear issue. The victory was in favour of the rulling UPA. During that vote of confidence there was interesting fact. One MP from Sheromoni Akali Dal who is an alliance with NDA voted in favour of UPA. That means, leaving his party NDA he cast his valuable vote in favour of his rival UPA. After the result a journalist had interviewed that particular MP and asked why did he do so, he boldly answered and said For the first time a Punjabi became a Prime Minister of India and at this time his post is being challenged, so at this crucial time if I, as a Sardarji dont support him than who will support? Forget it about Akali Dal and NDA, First come my Pubjabi than only party According to me he had done the right thing and he is the real politician.
Irrespective of different parties I wish all the tribal leaders to do the same First TIPRASA than party.
I find that the party politics among our Tiprasa is so high that we put the party above everything.
Yes, as I am a social being I need politics and also since I am living in a democratic state I have to be a part of politics but not at the cost of my Bukungbara, my HA, my relatives etc. We may do politics but first of all we have to understand that we are TIPRASA and then comes the party.
I want to conclude with these two questions to all my fellow Tiprasa for our further exploration and elaboration:

(The article is taken from written by the author on 7th February 2013, just before Tripura Assembly Election 2013)

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