Adolescents and stress By:Dr. Swapan Debbarma, Category: General, Posted on:2010-12-11 20:32:22
Adolescents a Latin word meaning to grow to mature.Developmentally it is pertaining to achieving an identity. According to UN/WHO definition adolescents are a group of heterogeneous people of 10-19 years of age. Though there is an overlap, can be staged: Early (10-13yrs): The spurt of growth & development of secondary sexual characters occur.
Mid (14-16yrs): Where the development of a separate identity of themselves, new relationship with peer group & opposite sex, self experimentation, conflicts with parents occur.
Late (17-19yrs): Where the fully develop characters of adult, distinct identity, well formed opinion & ideas (less conflicts with parents).
Adolescence is a most critical period of entire human life which needs special attention. It is a phase of development on many ways:
1. Physical, psychological, emotional, behavioral & social development
2. Rapid but uneven growth & development
3. Sexual maturity & onset sexual activity
4. Desire for self exploration & experimentation
5. Development of adult mental process & self identity
6. Transition from dependency to relative independence
Several factors are in need for the healthy development of adolescents:
1. Socio-economic condition
2. Environmental condition (family, social)
3. Relationship (family, community, friends)
4. Opportunity (education, jobs)
Changes which do finds during adolescents period:
Physical and Psychological:
1. Growth spurt- increase weight & height
2. Skin (oily)
3. Breast development
4. Hip widen
5. Hair appearances- armpit, pubic
6. Ovary, uterus enlargement
7. External genitalia enlargement
8. Menarche, Ovulation
9. Sexual desire
10. Attraction to opposite sex
11. Initiation of sexual behaviors
1. Growth spurt increase weight & height
2. Skin (oily)
3. Muscle development
4. Shoulders broaden
5. Hair appearances- armpit, pubic, face
6. Voice cracks
7. Nipple pain
8. Testis, penis enlargement
9. Sperm production & ejaculation
10. Erection in boys
11. Sexual desire & attraction to opposite sex
12. Initiation of sexual behaviors
Emotional and social (boys & girls):
1. Pre- occupied with body image
2. Want to establish own identity
3. Fantasy/ day dreaming
4. Attention seeking
5. Mood swing and instability
6. Full energy and restlessness
7. Self exploration and evaluation
8. Conflicts with family over control
9. Changes in behavioral code (peer group)
10. New relationship formation
Adolescents and vulnerability:
These very growth and development process adds the adolescents vulnerability and adverse impact on their health. Adjusting to the ongoing overall changing process with the challenges and opportunities, some of the Adolescents pose themselves in the risk environment. Due to lack of appropriate knowledge, experience and skills many of them get involved or end up with serious adverse consequences. The most serious are sexual exploitation and abuse, prostitution, trafficking; delinquency and crime, violence; substance abuse; suicide; abortion, teen pregnancy and mother; infections (STD, HIV); social out cursing etc. Body image is an important factor that adds to this age group. It is defined as the way a person pictures his/her own body. It has two dimensions: Perceptional (evaluation of the size of ones body) and affective/ cognitive (evaluation of abilities). It is an important key of our self-concept to determine whether we accept/reject ourselves, Feels confident in social dealings; and to have a realistic idea of our own attractiveness, strength, skills and sex appeal. Any variations in the process can cause anxiety, negativity feeling, loss of self-esteem, inferiority complex, rough relationship, jealousy, arguments, and so on. These may lead to body dimorphism (obesity, overweight, underweight, anorexia nervosa etc). Sex drive/ sexual expressions are heightened during this period among the adolescents. Feelings, arousal, urges etc towards self and others; their attitude, behavior, practices make them vulnerable to adverse health consequences. It is normal phenomena in these groups of people and also the fact of imbalance hormonal activity in this phase of life. As many characters like spontaneous erections, nocturnal emissions, masturbation etc for boys (majority); increase vaginal discharge, pain & feeling in the breast, masturbation, menstrual concerns (troublesome) are finds different by their elders which make them feel lack of privacy. They may be confused, troubled, feel guilty due to immaturity; or may be end up with serious consequences. These are very important factors in combating adolescents problem. The interpersonal environment (family, friends); physical environment (hostile); community settings (Schools); societal (cultural, mass media, social) environment etc are also important factors in contributing the vulnerability. The symptoms and signs which are matter of concern or indicators for disturbed adolescents:
1. Shy, disobedient, rowdy, irresponsible, disrespectful to others, scholastic backwardness, social withdrawal, isolation, suicide attempts.
2. Headache, backache, poor appetite, stomachache.
3. Bed wetting, encopresis, stammering, stuttering
4. Substance addiction- smoking, alcohol, drugs
5. Vandalism, violence, sex crimes
6. Hysteria, depression, bulimia, anorexia nervosa
7. Any stressful events viz death of a near one, failure in exams, breakup of love affairs, financial problems, chronic illness etc.
Stress is a normal physiological response of the body to combat a hostile environment. So everything starts from the stress and consequences follows. The body tries to overcome stress by certain adjustment. If the body succeeds, then after sometime the physiological adjustment and stress symptoms revert back to normal. If it fails the adjustment and symptoms persists. It is the persistence of the response that is the matter of concern. It affects the overall developments and may not be able to lead normal life. Manifestation wise there is not much differences between adult and adolescents but causes are different from adult. During the adjustment of stress few physiological changes (diversion of blood from less vital to more vital area, increase HR, increase BP, increase RR, increase metabolism and energy release etc) occur and due to that all the symptoms & signs are arises. Studies show that every adolescents/ adult feels stress at least once in a week.
Causes of Stress (adolescents):
1. Pubertal changes
2. Changing relationship with peers
3. New demand in schools
4. Safety issues in neighborhood
5. Responsibilities to family
6. Negative feelings and thought & feelings
7. Separation/ divorced parents
8. Death of love one
9. Chronic illness
10. Financial problems
11. Lack of privacy
12. Holiday stress
Symptoms and Sings: Physical:
1. Cold clammy with goose flesh standing out
2. Frequent passing of stools
3. Stomachache ( exacerbation of peptic ulcers)
4. Loss of appetite
5. Muscle pain (backache, neck pain)
6. Difficulties in swallowing, speaking
7. Palpitation, chest pain, flushing/ warm feeling
8. Headache
9. Breathlessness
10. Weight loss
11. Sleeplessness, loss of sexual drive, memory disturbances
12. Weight gain, infections, allergies
1. Mood swings, anxiety, depression, outburst of anger, headache, irritability
2. Substance abuse & dependency
3. Lack of concentration
Adolescence is the period of shaping life for future so their stresses need to be managed through a proper approach with affection and care. Studies show that girls are more prone to have the stress than boys. Teenagers use both healthy and unhealthy ways to cope up with stress. Up till now there is no single effective remedy available to combat stress. There is no escape from stress. So one must know or learn how to handle it. Here are few management techniques for stress:
1. Drugs: Through there is a long list of drugs to handle the stress but side effects are also long equally. It rapidly relieves the stress.
2. Natural Techniques: The natural techniques provide a desired relief to people who are in stress.
These are said to be devoid of side effects. So people prefer the technique frequently.
Psychotherapy cognitive behavior therapy, Positive thinking, Exercise, Yoga Asana, pranayama, Dietary adjustment Prefer anti oxidant, vitamins containing fruits, vegetable; drink plenty of water etc. caffeine, tobacco, alcohol, junk foods to be avoided. Life style changes we need to change everydays work which we do and follow e.g. exercise regularly, eat healthy diet, identify your problems, walk away from stressful situation, have a sound sleep, take a routine break etc. Herbs Kava kava, valerian, passion flower, scull cap, hops, chamomile, rhodiola etc. Tai chi Chinese martial art meant for health. Reiki Japanese art of healing, Others Stress relieving balls, games and sports, aroma therapy, music therapy, massage, laughter and jokes, alkaline bath, hydrotherapy etc.
3. Newer techniques: Hypnosis, magnetic therapy.
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