Threatened: Indigenous people of Tripura By:Devid Debbarma, Category: Politics, Posted on:2011-09-09 07:54:04
The historical background of Tripura State, Nobody can deny that point
to the merger with Indian Union on 15th October, 1949 that Tripura was
princely an independent state being ruled as many as 184 Maharaja
(Kings) belonging to the Indigenous Borok/Tipra over the centuries
that after merger, the Borok peoples of Tripura had high hoped and
aspirations in Indian Union that their political right
socio-economic right ,cultural right and educational right could be
safeguarded but unfortunately all their dreams shattered .After the
partitioned of the Indian sub continual (1947) and subsequent merger
of Tripura with the Indian Union ,there has been continuous influx of
foreign nationals into the state particularly the Bengali Hindus
from erstwhile East Pakistan, now Bangladesh .There were no protective
measures taken either by the state or the central government to
prevent the process of continuous influx of immigrants into the
state .In fact, the process of influx of immigrants is still
continuing till date. And this is the crux of the problem of Twipra
(Tripura) which is also infecting to other parts of the country like
the flowing of water. Due to this fact the, the prevailing situations
of Tripura are always related to the past historical background of the
state. Geographical Facts Bounded on one side by Assam and Mizoram,
Twipra is a hills thumb of the land just, 10,491 sharing 80% of
the border with Bangladesh. Over the last six decades, this geographical
factor has played a significant role .During the period between
1931-1951 alone ,while the population of the Bengalis grew by about 3
lakhs, that of the Indigenous peoples saw on increase of just
30,000.Since then the process has continued unabated .The
indigenous peoples, who accounted for 95% of the population of Twipra
in the 1931 census, have been reduced to a mere 31% in the 1991
census mainly due to influx .Needles to say ,such a dramatic
changed in the demographic profile of the state has had wide ranging
socio-economic, political and cultural implications for its
people. Hence, the Borok people have becomes poorer and poorer day by
day having no political and economic powers in their hand.
Since1997,16th February, the Disturbed Areas Act was again imposed in
Tripura and at least 27 police stations out of the 45 police
stations were brought under the Act only in the Borok inhabited areas.
Gang raped and killed, mass killing, extra judicial killing, custodian
deaths and looting committed by the security personnel (Stat and
central) upon the innocent Borok peoples. Some of Indian Armed Forces
deployed in the Disturbed Areas for counter insurgency operations are
as follows: It is worth to mention that the situation prevailing peace
in Tripura, but still TSR battalion is increasing up to 15th
It is pointed out that due to the deprivation, suppression and
exploitation in the hands of foreign nationals or due to Governments
negligence, the Indigenous peoples or the Borok peoples of Twipra are
still under developed. The latest census 2011 shows that the Borok
peoples constitutes only 26% of the total populations of the state
.So, the very existence of the Indigenous peoples or the Borok peoples
is being threatened .Some of the security laws like the Tripura
security Act 1980 and Act 2000 and Armed Forces Special Act 1958
applied in counter insurgency operations in Twipra had given
tremendous bad impact upon the civilian life of Indigenous Borok
peoples in the state. Another significant development is that every
year there is a chronic under in the hill areas and hundreds of
indigenous peoples use to die due to malnutrition and malaria, etc. In
long ran, malnutrition reduced the body resistance and easily caught
by malaria and diarrhea .This year alone more than 150 indigenous
peoples had died till date mostly children. Besides, due to poverty
indigenous people committed suicide by either hanging or taking
poison. This is the plight of the Indigenous people of Twipra as a
whole and not to talk of marginalization and others deprivation of
constitutional rights
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